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TRDEV-L Favorite books

Marcia L. Connor
October 2, 1994



I will post this list of our favorite Training and Development (TRD)books each time I send the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting to the TRDEV-L group.  Please send me the names and information onadditional books if I missed any really good ones.

Instructions on how to join the TRDEV-L list can be found and at thevery end of the document.  Enjoy.



Marcia L.  Conner Fax: 404-947-0303

Director of Employee Development Vmail: 800-994-5767 ex.5040

Wave Technologies International, Inc.  Internet:



This is not an endorsement for any one book, rather a list of books members of the TRDEV-L discussion list note as their favorites in their field.


Favorite Books on Training and Development


101 Things You Can Do The First Three Weeks of Class.  Joyce Povlacs.  1986.

Accelerated Learning.  C.  Rose.  Accelerated Learning Systems, Ltd.  Bucks., Great Britain, 1985.  ISBN 0-905553-128.  Teaches you how to achieve arelaxed, yet receptive state of mind & presents information in new ways thatactively involves both the left & right parts of the brain.

Adult Cognitive Development: Methods and Models.  Mines and Kitchner eds., 1986.

Adult Education as Vocation.  Michael Collins.  Sets out a coherentfoundation for the practice of critical adult education.  In one section hesets out to diminish the supposed distinction between education and training.

The Adult Learner.  B.  Steinbach.  Crisp Publications.  ISBN 1-56052-175-9.

The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species, 4th ed.  M.  Knowles.  GulfPublishing, 1990.  ISBN 0-87201-074-0.

Adult Learning and Education.  Open University Press, 1983.

Adult Learning.  Michael J.A.  Howe.  Wiley.

Adults as Learners.  K.P.  Cross.  San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, 1981.

Analyzing Performance Problems.  Robert Mager.  Lake Publishers.  ISBN 0-8224-4336-8.

Approaches to Training and Development.  D.  Laird.

ASTD Reference Guide to Professional Human Resource Development Roles and Competencies.  William J.  Rothwell & Henry J.  Sredl.  Volume 1 ISBN 0-87425-083-8, Volume 2 ISBN 0-87425-084-6.  A truly great reference book that all students of our profession should own.  It explains beautifully the underlying theories of training and development.

Becoming a Manager: Mastery of a New Identity.  L.  Hill.  1992.

Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring: How to facilitate an effective mentoring program.  M.  Murray with M.  Owen.  Jossey- Bass, 1991.  ISBN 1-55542-333-7.  A comprehensive guide to mentoring programs, including structured facilitation.

The Brain User's Guide.  T.  Buzan.  EP Dutton Inc., NY, 1983.  ISBN 0-525-48045-5.  A handbook for sorting out your life.

Business Presentations Workbook.  C.  Lambert.  Prentice Hall.  1988.

The Children's Machine.  S.  Papert.  Basic Books, NY.  1993.

Classroom Magic.  L.  Lloyd.  Many practical suggestions for enhancing student learning, using the learner's modality strengths & thinking skills, based on current research on human learning.  About having fun while learning, too.

Coaching for Improved Work Performance.  F.F.  Fournies.  1987.

College Degrees by Mail.  John Bear, Ph.D.  Ten Speed Press.  1993

Communicating Change.  T.J.  and Sandar Larkin.  McGraw Hill.  ISBN 0-07-036452-4.  $22.95.  A rare combination of common sense, serious research, practical examples and an engaging writing style.

The Competent Manager.  R.  Boyatizis.  Wiley, 1982.  Identifies different competencies for supervisors, middle managers and sr.  managers.

Constructionism.  I.  Harel and S.  Papert eds.  Ablex, NJ.  1991

Control Theory.  William Glasser.  Addresses a general theory about what motivates people to behave in any arena including education via computer.

The Corporate Trainer's QUICK Reference.  Geoffrey Moss.  Business One Irwin, 1992.  ISBN 1-55623-905-X.

The Creative Brain.  Ned Herrmann.  The Ned Herrmann Group, North Carolina, 1989.  ISBN 0-944850-01-4.  Presents ways to apply creative & whole brain thinking techniques to management, productivity, teaching, learning, communication, relationships, problem solving & self understanding.

Creative Training Techniques Handbook: Tips, Tactics, and How-to's for delivering effective training.  Robert W.  Pike.  Lakewood Books, 1989.  ISBN 0-943210-06-2.

Critical Psychology and Critical Pedagogy.  E.  Sullivan.  OISE Press, Toronto.  1990.

Designing and Delivering Cost Effective Training--And Measuring the Results.  2nd Edition.  Jack Gordon, Ron Zemke, Philip Jones editors.  Lakewood Publishing.

Developing Attitude Toward Learning.  Robert Mager.  Lake Publishers.  ISBN-0-8224-4337-6.

Developing High Performance People: The Art of Coaching.  Oscar G.  Mink.  1993.  ISBN 0-2-1-56313-4.

Dialectic Thinking and Adult Development.  M.  Basseches.  1986.

The Electronic University: A guide to distance learning programs.  Peterson and the National University Continuing Education Assoc.

Encyclopedia of Team-building Activities.  William Pfeiffer, ed.  University Associates, 1991.

Encyclopedia of Team-Development Activities.  William Pfeiffer, ed.  University associates, 1991

Evaluating Trainer Effectiveness.  Leslie Rae.  Business One Irwin, 1993.  ISBN 1-55623-881-9.

Evaluating Training Effectiveness: Translating Theory Into Practice.  Peter Bramley.  McGraw Hill International (UK) Ltd., 1991.  ISBN 0-07-707331-2.

Evaluation: 10 Significant Ways to Measure and Improve Training Impact.  Sandra Merwin.  Resources for Organizations, Inc.  & Lakewood Books, 1992.

Experience and Education.  John Dewey.  Collier Macmillian, 1938.

Experiences in Management and Organizational Behavior.  D.  Hall, D.D.  Bowen, R.J.  Lewicki and F.S.  Hall.  St.  Clair Press, 1976.

Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of Learning and Development.  David Kolb.  Prentice-Hall, 1984.  Kolb popularized the phrase "learning styles" with his Learning Styles Inventory.

Experiential Training Activities for Outside and In.  Carmine Consalvo.  HRD Press, Inc.

Feedback to Managers/Vol I.: A Guide to Evaluating Multi-rater Feedback Instruments.  Vol II.: A Review and Comparison of Sixteen Multi-rater Feedback Instruments.  Ellen Van Velsor, Jean Brittain Leslie.  Center for Creative Leadership, North Carolina, 1991.  (919)288-7210.

The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization.  Peter M.  Senge.  Doubleday, 1990.  ISBN 0-385-26094-6.

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook.  P.  Senge, C.  Roberts, R.  Ross, B.  Smith and A.  Kleiner.  Doubleday.  1994.

Figuring Things Out: A trainer's guide to need and task analysis.  Zemke and Knanlinger.

Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used.  Peter Block.  Pfieffer & Co.  Publishing.  ISBN 0-89-340-521.

Foundations of Vocational Education.  Evans & Herr.  Merrill Publishing.

Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.  H.  Gardener.  Palladin, 1985.  ISBN 0-586-08506-8.  Alternatives to empiricism of IQ testing

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreements Without Giving In.  Roger Fisher, William Ury.  Penguin, 1991.  ISBN 0-41-015735-2.

The Goal.  Galdratt.

Goal Analysis.  Robert Mager.  Lake Publishers.  ISBN-0-8224-4339-2.

Great Lies We Live By.  S.  Burns.  1993 Learning Plus, Glebe, NSW.  ISBN 0-646-13817-0.  About the false beliefs we hold about ourselves & our learning abilities.  If you have learned to say I'm too slow, I'm too old, There's not enough time, That's too hard, etc.  then this bookis for you.

Guided Design Guidebook: Patterns in Implementation.  W.C.  Coscarelli & G.P.  White.

Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.  2nd ed.  M.D.  Dunnetter & L.M.  Hough.  1991.  Contains "Utility analysis for decisions in human resource management" by J.W.  Boudreau, chapter 10.

A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training.  La Jolla: University Associates Publishers, Inc., 1974.  Volumes 1-10.

Handbook of Training and Development for the Public Sector.  S.  Cook.  Jossey-Bass.  ISBN 1-55542-530-5.

Handbook of Training Evaluation and Measurement Methods.  Jack J.  Phillips.  Gulf Publishing Co., 1991.  Excellent resource on what you need to think about when conducting program evaluation.

How Children Learn.  J.  Holt.  Explores the ways children learn.  Shows parents & teachers that learning is natural for children

How to be an Effective Trainer, 2nd ed.: Skills for Managers and New Trainers.  B.  J.  Smith, B.  Delahaye.  Wiley, 1987.  ISBN 0-471-85239-2.

How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart.  G.  Rummler and Brache.  Jossey-Bass, 1990.  ISBN 1-55542-214-4.  Take a systems approach to performance improvement and addresses training as part of the spectrum.  Wonderful for training directors who want to impact the performance of an organization and its people.

How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading.  Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren.  Simon & Schuster, 1972.

How to Write and Prepare Training Materials.  Nancy Stimson.  Pfeiffer & Co.  Practical Trainer Series, 1991.  ISBN 0-7494-0442-6.

How to solve it.  G.  Polya.  Princeton University Press, 1945.  This is the classic book on teaching problem solving.

The Human Side of Learning.  Thomas Gilbert.

If You Want to be Rich & Happy - Don't Go to School?  R.  Kiyosaki.  Tells of how adults are professionally & financially crippled due to methods imposed by antiquated education systems.

Images of Organizations.  Gareth Morgan.  Newbury Park: Sage.  1986.

In Their Own Way.  T.  Armstrong.  This book speaks to millions of teachers & parents whose children are experiencing less than desirable success in school.  With chapters on attitude, imagination, attention, self esteem, nutrition, exercise, and more, this book offers inspiration useful in every home & classroom.

Instructional Design: Implications from Cognitive Science.  C.K.  West.  Prentice Hall, 1991.

Instructional systems development for large organizations.  W.  Hannum, Carol Hansen.  Educational Technology Publications, New Jersey, 1989.

Leadership and the New Science.  Margaret Wheatley.

Learning and Teaching Style.  A.  Bulter.

Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide.  S.  Merriam, R.  Caffarella.  Jossey-Bass, 1991.  $29.95.

The Learning Mystique.  G.  Coles.  Fawcett Columbine/Ballantine, 1987.  ISBN 0-449-90351-6.  Looks at the whole issue of learning disabled children, the background of the research, problems of interpretation.  Presents an alternative theory.

Learning to Learn: Applied Theory for Adults.  R.  Smith.  Open University Press, 1984.

Mager Six-Pack.  Robert Mager.  Lake Publishing Co.  ISBN 0-8224-4344-9.  Titles also individually notes throughout this list.

The Magic of Rapport: How you can gain personal power in any situation.  Jerry Richardson.  Translates the jargon of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) into practical concepts that could be applied to daily life situations.

Mapping Inner Space.  N.  Margulies.  Hawker Brownlow Education, Australia 1992.  ISBN 1-86299-7837.

Managing Workforce 2000: Gaining the Diversity Advantage.  David Jamieson, Julie O'Mara.  Jossey-Bass, 1991.

Marching to Different Drummers.  Pat Burke Guild, Stephen Garger.  Assoc.  for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

Measuring Instructional Results.  Robert Mager.  Pitman Learning.  ISBN-0-8224-4340-6.

Mentoring Revisited: Making an Impact on Individuals and Institutions.  Marie Wunsch, editor.  No.  57 Spring '94.  Jossey-Bass's New Directions for Teaching and Learning Services.

Meta-Cation Vol.  1, 2 & 3.  S.  Jacobson.  An introduction to neuro-linguistic programming in education.

Mindstorms: Computers, Children and Powerful Ideas.  Seymour Papert.  Basic Books, NY, 1980

A New Approach to Continuing Education for Business and the Professions-The Performance Model.  Philip M.  Nowlen.  Macmillan, 1988.  (American Council on Education/Macmillan Series on Higher Education.) ISBN 0-02-922740-2.  Helps the reader sort out competency models currently in vogue in the industry and their applicability to work environments and the performance which is (should be?) the aim of training efforts.

The New Faculty Member.  Robert Boice.  ISBN 155542-423-6.

Organization Development: A Normative View.  W.  Warner Burke.  Addison-Wesley.  $23.95.

Peak Learning.  R.  Gross.  Jeremy Tarcher.  USA, 1991.  ISBN 0-87477-610-4.

Personality and Personal Growth.  Robert Frager & James Fadiman.

Planning and Conducting Formative Evaluations.  Martin Tessmer.  Kogan Page, London, 1993.

Planning Responsibly for Adult Education: A Guide to Negotiating Power and Interests.  Ronald M.  Cervero & Arthur L.  Wilson.  Jossey-Bass, 1994.  ISBN 1-5542-628-X.  Does an excellent job of balancing "real world" and academic material, while offering clear description and structure against the vagaries of what program development is really like.  It also offers a model for recognizing the realities of organization structures (interests and power) and suggest methods for analysis and planning within an ethical context.

The Power of Learning: Fostering Employee Growth.  Klas Mellander.  ASTD, 1993.  ISBN 1-55623-893-2.

Power of Teambuilding Using Ropes Techniques.  Harrison Snow.  Pfeiffer & Associates, 1992.

Preparing Instructional Objectives.  Robert Mager.  Lake Publishers ISBN 0-8224-4341-4.

The Process of Education.  J.  Bruner.  Harvard University Press, 1960.  Though an old book, it set the agenda for educational reform during the 1960's and its message still has a great deal of merit.  The author makes his famous claim that any subject can be taught to a person of any age in an intellectually honest way.

Teaching Decision Making: Guided Design by same authors as above.

Recruiting, Training, and Retaining New Employees.  Jack J.  Phillips.  Jossey-Bass, 1987.

Rewriting the Self.  Mark Freeman.  Routledge, 1993.

Right Brain, Left Brain Reflexology.  M.  Turgeon.  How to stimulate the under-used hemisphere & develop the resources & talents specific to it.

Righting the Educational Conveyor Belt.  M.  Grinder.  Metamorphous Press, 1989.  ISBN 1-55552-002-2.  A workbook style manual for catering for different learning styles in the classroom.

Seven Ways of Knowing.  D.  Lazear.  Teaching for Multiple Intelligence.  Skylight Pub Australia, 1990.  ISBN 1-86299-614-8.

Seven Ways of Teaching.  D.  Lazear.  The Artistry of Teaching with Multiple Intelligence.  Skylight Pub Australia, 1990.  ISBN 1-86299-614-8.

Skill-Building for Self-Directed Team Members.  Ann & Bob Harper.  MW Corporation, 1992.

Smart Speaking: Sixty-Second Strategies.  L.  Schloff, M.  Yudkin.  Henry Holt & Co., 1991.  ISBN 0-8050-1302-4.

Super Study: A New Age Study Guide.  J.  Wade.  Dellasta Pty Ltd., 1990.  ISBN 0-947-138- 609.

Super Teaching.  E.P.  Jenson.  Turning Point, 1988.  ISBN 0-84403-4592-5.  How to book for teachers on motivation, catering for different learning styles.

The Supervisor and On-the-Job Training.  Martin Broadwell.  Addison- Wesley.

The Supervisor as an Instructor: A Guide for Classroom Training.  Martin Broadwell.  Addison-Wesley.

Teaching for the Two Sided Mind.  L.V.  Williams.  Simon & Schuster, NY, 1983.  ISBN 0-671-62239-0.  A guide to right-brain, left-brain education, scientific theory & educational practice, using metaphors, visual thinking, multi-sensory learning.

Teamwork: What Must Go Right, What Can Go Wrong.  C.E.  Larson andF.M.J.  LaFasto.  Sage.  ISBN 0-8039-3290-1

Trainer's Dictionary.  HRD Press.

The Trainer's Professional Development Handbook.  Ray Bard, Chip Bell, Leslie Stephen, Linda Webster.  Jossey-Bass.  ISBN 1-55542-067-2.

The Training and Development Sourcebook.  L.  Baird, D.  Laird, C.  Schneider, editors.  HRD, 1983.  ISBN 0-914423-464-1.

Training Cost Analysis: A How to Guide.  Glen Head.  ASTD, 1994

Training for Impact.  Robinson and Robinson.  ISBN 1-55542-1539.

Training Needs Assessment.  Allison Rosset.  Educational Technology Publications, 1987.

Trauma and Recovery.  J.  Herman.  1993.  This book reflects a deep understanding of severe stress and its treatment.

Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning.  Jack Mezirow.  Jossey- Bass, 1991.  ISBN 1-55542-339-6.

Troubleshooting the Troubleshooting Course or Debug d'Bugs.  R.  Mager.

Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning.  Stephen D.  Brookfield.  Jossey-Bass, 1986.  ISBN 1-55542-355-8.

Use Both Sides of Your Brain.  T.  Buzan.  EP Duton, 1983.  ISBN 0-525-48011-0.  Learning techniques, includes mind-mapping & study methods.

What Every Manager Should Know About Training.  Robert Mager.  Lake Publishing Co.  ISBN 1-56103-345-6.

What Works at Work.  Lakewood Publishing.

Whole Brain Thinking: Working From Both Sides of the Brain to Achieve Peak Job Performance.  J.  Wonder and P.  Donovan.  Ballantine Books, 1984.  ISBN 0-345-322