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Values checklist 1


This is a resource file which supports the regular public program "areol" (action research and evaluation on line) offered twice a year beginning in mid-February and mid-July.  For details email Bob Dick  or

...  in which you have the opportunity to analyse and learn from an interaction which you would like to have handled better, or more easily, or more satisfyingly than you did


Overview of process

  • Answer the questionnaire in the top row of each set of 5 boxes, following the instructions below
  • Choose a system to analyse, for instance using a two-column analysis as described later
  • Answer the questionnaire in terms of the behaviour or observations from the situation you have analysed, using the lower row of boxes for each pair of items
  • Choose those items where there is a difference between the two ratings for an item, and where you are surprised at the difference
  • Develop personal action plans to make use of the insights 


(You can use this checklist in conjunction with the values workbook if you wish)

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Take a few minutes to respond to the following instrument. It describes actions which have implications for learning. Read each pair of items, and decide how you would like to be able to behave (you may or may not behave in this way).

If you would like to favour one of the two actions strongly, and this is important to you, place a tick in the space near that item. If you favour one item only to some extent, or you favour it strongly but don't regard it as important, tick partway between that item and the middle. If you genuinely can't decide, or think an item is completely unimportant, tick the middle of the space.

You will return to this later, and compare your actual behaviour in the situation you analyse to the preferred behaviour you indicate now. These items are for your own learning; you are able to choose the extent to which you reveal them to others.

You will probably get the best results if you do not agonise too long over any one response.

Note that you are being asked to respond in terms of how you would like to behave, not necessarily in terms of how you think you actually behave.

Note, too, that this is an instrument for reflection and learning, not for research. It is not known how accurate it would be if used as a measure.

The easiest way to use it is to print it out.

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Model 1

Model 2

Pursue own goals perhaps
without making them explicit

[ 5 boxes ]

Explicitly and jointly define all
goals before proceeding

Act unilaterally to control
the environment or situation

[ 5 boxes ]

Involve other(s) in defining
and managing the situation

Other person seems to
perceive you as defensive

[ 5 boxes ]

Other person seems to
perceive you as not defensive

Try to win, using a win/
lose style if necessary

[ 5 boxes ]

Work to achieve outcomes
for both self and other

Unilaterally define
and manage the task

[ 5 boxes ]

Explicitly and jointly define
and manage the task

Resulting relationships
tend to be defensive

[ 5 boxes ]

Resulting relationships
are not defensive

You maintain your
values whatever happens

[ 5 boxes ]

You are open to revising
your values in the light of developments

Act to minimise negative
feelings for self and other

[ 5 boxes ]

Express negative feelings
openly and clearly

Unilaterally engage in
actions to protect self

[ 5 boxes ]

Express vulnerability and
invite other to assist

Defensive norms: tit
for tat behaviour

[ 5 boxes ]

Non-defensive norms:
expose your and others' defensive behaviour

Conceal your assumptions
about others' motives

[ 5 boxes ]

Reveal your assumptions
before acting on them

Act to encourage rationality
implicitly or explicitly

[ 5 boxes ]

Encourage expression of feelings and express your own feelings

Act unilaterally to protect
others from hurt

[ 5 boxes ]

Reveal perceived hurt to
others before acting

Actions tend to generate
low commitment from others

[ 5 boxes ]

Actions tend to generate high
commitment from others

Style of interaction
tends to persist over time

[ 5 boxes ]

Style of interaction improves
over time through joint effort

Present information

[ 5 boxes ]

All relevant information
is provided

Act to limit the choices
open to other person

[ 5 boxes ]

Create environments which
maximise personal freedom

Treat process as given
once begun or decided

[ 5 boxes ]

Encourage others to express
dissatisfaction with processes

Learning is unilateral
or implicit or ignored

[ 5 boxes ]

Jointly draw explicit
learning from interaction

React defensively if others
voice their assumptions

[ 5 boxes ]

Encourage others to
voice their assumptions

Partial censorship of
some beliefs or feelings

[ 5 boxes ]

Open expression of almost
all beliefs and feelings


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Maintained by
Bob Dick; this version 1.02w last revised 20000520

A text version is also available at URL